You are invited to register now for the 2018 Combined Rotary Conference to be held in the Barossa Arts and Convention Centre. The conference will Celebrate the Coming Together of Rotarians and Friends and feature excellent speakers sharing information about our two Districts and the plans for the future.
Outline of the program for the Conference
Friday March 23 Opening 1.00pm (Registration from 9.30)
Session Finish 4.45pm
Evening 6.30pm Optional Dinner Taste and Talent of Barossa
Chateau Tanunda
Saturday March 24 Session Commences 9.00am
Sessions Finish 1.00pm
Lunch 1.15pm
Hands on Activities 2.00- 4.00 pm Various Locations
Choose from Tree Planting, Assembling artificial hands,
Days for Girls packs, Birthing Kits, Self-Guided Leisure Activities
Conference Dinner 6.30 for 7.00pm Tanunda Show Hall- Flaming Sambucas
Allocated seating
Sunday March 25 Remembrance 9.00 am
Sessions Finish 1.00 pm
BBQ Lunch 1.15 pm Optional- Provided by Barossa Clubs
Conference Notes
Because there is likely to be a high demand for eating facilities in town the Committee has organised a Taste and Talent evening at Chateau Tanunda on Friday evening (with catering supplied by Elli Beer). This is an optional activity and seating is limited to 300 on a first in basis. Tables of 10. No seating plan.
- Outstanding Speakers include Christopher Pyne, Sophie Thompson, Rod Hook, Prof Tania Monro, Tim Cooper,
plus representatives of the various programs of Rotary. - All early bird registrants are entered in the draw for the prize of a dozen quality wines.
- Registration Costs and Deadlines: Early Bird $290 (Dec 31), Normal $325 (Feb 14), Late $375 (March 20 Close)
- Special Rate for Non Rotarian Friends of Rotary $225 (excludes Partners of Rotarians)
- Special deals for Rotaractors and Youth Exchange Students- see booking form
- If you have already registered you will be contacted re payment details
- Want to know more visit the conference website