THE ROTARY CLUB OF Adelaide Parks West
The President and members of Adelaide Parks Rotary would like to invite you to attend a meeting and learn about serving your community through Rotary Programs.
Rotary is a worldwide organisation of men and women united to provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards and help build goodwill and peace in the world. We assist with lots of of interesting projects in our local community as well as some overseas.
Are you a Uni exchange student or new to Adelaide? This is a great way to meet new people that are friendly and you may even find them helpful as a mentor.
Don't forget to check all the fellowship opportunities on offer here .... Rotary fellowship programs

Rotary Adelaide South Australia lots of local clubs West Light Adelaide Parks Rotary clubs Rotary South Australia Rotary Adelaide Rotary Adelaide West Rotary Adelaide Rotary Adelaide light
Rotary club of Adelaide Rotary club of Adelaide west